controls my smart devices.
It’s that simple.

Smarthome is my smart home project.
The system gives me direct, daily control
of my lights, plugs, and air conditioner.

In my system, buttons are the controls.
I tap one to turn on a light. I also tap buttons
to fade and dim lights, turn on sets of them,
choose colors and tints for each bulb,
adjust the fan, and apply modes for
the whole apartment. Buttons offer
these capabilities while behaving
consistently across my place.

Those buttons are shown on touch panels,
which are added to the wall of each room.
They take the place of the apartment’s
wall switches. They work continuously,
adjusting to the room so that controls
blend in with décor day and night.

It takes smarts to use other smart homes — 
crammed control panels, finicky buttons,
and constant managing all come to mind.
Smarthome’s buttons are big and support
imprecise taps. Light adjustments work
without precisely-spoken voice commands.
Its hardware and hub incorporate fail‑safes.

It stacks up against systems off the shelf.
It’s simpler to use than builder‑grade systems,
quicker than opening and using smart bulb apps,
and costs 75 % less than new, similar setups.

Most of all, Smarthome handles life’s variety.
When I need quick light, I’m throwing a party,
or the power is out and I’d really like to see,
its calm capabilities help me out.

Smarthome is the everyday system
that makes my home delightfully smart,
now and for years to come.